Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Where the Wild Things Are...the Movie

So, the hubs and I finally got around to watching the movie Where the Wild Things Are.

I know, I know.  I'm a bad librarian for not running out to the theater and watching it on the big screen.

Hey, I'm a busy girl and the movie theater is about 45 minutes away.  Plus, I didn't think it would be that good. 


I loved it!  I thought it was simply charming and captured the feel of Maurice Sendak's beloved picture book quite well.  I don't know if kids would catch that, or even if my husband did, but he liked it too!

Anyway, I thought the "wild things" were done fantastically and the wild rumpus was too fun!  I loved Max and how his emotions played out during the entire film.  And I really enjoyed the music!

I'm hoping to show this film at my library in August, so I'll get to enjoy it again with lots of friends! 

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