Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New Book Day!

Well, sort of.

A while back, hubs and I went to New York to visit some friends and stopped by the Strand Bookstore and bought this book.

I was planning reading it pretty quickly, but I kept putting it off due to school work. (I was scared I would get sucked in and ignore my academic duties.)

Recently a friend passed along her copy of the audio book. Now, I can totally rationalize listening to a book on my commute to work. So, I listened. AND FELL IN LOVE.

So yesterday, I headed out to my local chain bookstore and purchased these:

(Sorry for the glare. Being the book nerd that I am, I have covered my book jackets library style.)

Yep. I'm hooked. I heart Edward. I think Bella rocks.

And I can't wait to see what happens next. (And to see the movie that is coming out on 11/21!)

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