Sunday, July 12, 2009

Best Friend Emma by Sally Warner, illustrated by Jamie Harper

It's November, and Emma and her best friend Annie are working to stretch out their stomachs so they have room for pumpkin pie after Thanksgiving Dinner.

A new girl arrives at school, Krysten, and Emma wants "Kry" to be HER friend, instead of being in Cynthia's group of friends.

Emma begins to be extra friendly to Kry, but in the process manages to hurt her friend Annie.

What I Thought:
I think this is a cute story, and very appropriate for elementary kids, but I think girls will especially enjoy this book. This is a very important story about friendship, and what can happen when one is not very considerate of friends' feelings.

This is also just a fun story that kids will enjoy and relate to!

Best Friend Emma is the fourth book in the Emma series of books.


Want to see more? Check it out on Amazon: Best Friend Emma by Sally Warner, illustrated by Jamie Harper.

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