Friday, October 03, 2008

New Book Day! (again!!)

I can't NOT go into a store that sells books and NOT buy one. Seriously.

So when hubs and I went on a date tonight and we stopped by Books-A-Million, I had to purchase something.

As I was browsing through the Teen section, I suddenly knew what book I just had to have.

Okay, I'm so bad. I just can't help myself. It's a problem.

Next week is the Southern Festival of Books in Nashville, TN and I am so there. It's been on my calendar for months, and the event is just about here!

The author of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is Sherman Alexie, who JUST SO HAPPENS to be one of the featured authors at the Southern Festival of Books. I'm looking to get bad boy signed!

1 comment:

Margie said...

Hey! What day are you coming?! Please don't leave without saying hi to me! I'll be there all day, each day. I want to hug you!

I can't wait to see Rick Bragg ... oh, and the cooking stage folks. I hear Alexie is fabulous.